Since policies of cultural assimilation and parallel
governments have failed, the federal government should approach towards a
policy of full Canadian citizenship and special status for the aboriginals. The
debate on the issue of aboriginal policy of Canada is a serious constitutional
debate in Canada and is rivaled by the status of Quebec and Quebecois. The
research paper will focus on the debate on the aboriginal policy of Canada between
Thomas Flanagan and Alan Cairns subscribing to opposite views and explores the
impact of the perspectives of the opposing views on the Canadian society and
the collective identity of the Canadians. The essay constructs on the
presumption that the aboriginal policy is not a stand-alone issue and must be
considered along with ethnic and national identities. Thomas Flanagan with
strong modified traditional view-point vehemently opposed Cairn’s view in his
controversial book terming Cairn’s view aboriginal
orthodoxy. Flanagan contemplated that aboriginal people of Canada were not the
first inhabitants and any policy to grant special status to the aboriginals
would not be bereft of racist nature.
I will support
Alan Cairns as he is more elaborate, argumentative, and more sensitive towards
aboriginal people of Canada in comparison to First Nations? Second Thoughts by
Thomas Flanagan. While Tom seems to use his narrow world view of history and
anthropology to support his point, Cairns is more concerned about the
sovereignty of the Canadian aboriginal people and unity of Canada.

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